Discover that ancient places like the Garden of Eden, the Temple, and the Holy Land are not dusty relics from the past but are vibrant pictures of your life in Christ.
Session 1: Seeing Yourself in the Garden of Eden (Pt. 2)
Discover that ancient places like the Garden of Eden, the Temple, and the Holy Land are not dusty relics from the past but are vibrant pictures of your life in Christ.
Session 2: Explaining the Old Testament in Under 2 Minutes (Pt. 1)
Grasp the big picture of the entire Old Testament and learn how to explain it to others in under two minutes.
Session 2: Explaining the Old Testament in Under 2 Minutes (Pt. 2)
Grasp the big picture of the entire Old Testament and learn how to explain it to others in under two minutes.
Session 3: Running through the Law, the Prophets, & the Writings (Pt. 1)
Take a fast-paced trip through the entire Old Testament to deepen your understanding of how these books teach you how to live the abundant life that Jesus came to give.
Session 3: Running through the Law, the Prophets, & the Writings (Pt. 2)
Take a fast-paced trip through the entire Old Testament to deepen your understanding of how these books teach you how to live the abundant life that Jesus came to give.
Session 4: Question & Answer
Bonus Session: Exploring the Land (Pt. 1)
Bonus Session entitled "Exploring the Land", the geography of the Old Testament. Follow along with the PointPoint presentation and audio files provided by Dr. Mark Futato.
Bonus Session: Exploring the Land (Pt. 2)
Bonus Session entitled "Exploring the Land", the geography of the Old Testament. Follow along with the PointPoint presentation and audio files provided by Dr. Mark Futato.