Mission in the City: March 2022


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Christians Against Poverty

  • People in our communities are struggling with debt. We want to share the practical love of Jesus with them and are running a Debt Centre in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP). In this partnership model, qualified credit counselors at CAP’s head office negotiate with creditors, develop budgets, and explore options for clients’ journeys out of debt. We, as the local church, are at the forefront helping clients through the process, supporting them practically and spiritually, as they are equipped and empowered to pay off their debt.
    • We need committed volunteers. As sinners saved by grace, this is an opportunity for us to live out our faith by tangibly helping and humbly walking alongside our neighbours with debt. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Volunteers Needed: To be part of a welcoming team for PCC moms wanting to be connected to the Grace Toronto Community.
    • Monthly onsite volunteers to work a 3hr shift alongside support staff at downtown office (U of T Campus) on Mondays & Wednesdays at 9-5pm, and Tuesdays & Thursdays at 1:30-9pm.
  • Drivers Needed: Looking for more drivers willing to pick up supplies from either North York or Scarborough offices, and provide curbside drop off to PCC families.
  • Contact rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca for more details.

Toronto City Mission

  • Volunteers still needed for the EPIC program in Flemingdon Park (near Don Mills Rd and Eglinton Ave E), Kingston-Galloway (near Lawrence Ave E and Kingston Rd), Willowtree (near Finch Ave E and Willowdale Ave), and Jesse Ketchum (near Davenport Rd and Bay St). For more information: https://www.torontocitymission.com/volunteer.


Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Grace Gathering volunteers needed to welcome PCC moms to the Grace Toronto Community and assist with getting them connected.
  • Contact rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca for more details.


Adam House

  • Short-term and long-term rentals needed. All current residents of Adam House need to move out by March as 430 Gladstone Ave will be undergoing a substantial renovation. If you know of housing options or have a room / apartment to rent out, please contact Lucy at lchaimiti@adamhouse.org. For more details (here).

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needs: non-perishable food, hygiene products, diapers (size 6), and catfood
    • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for healing the residents who were affected by COVID-19 recently and protecting the rest of the house, staff, and volunteers during this.

Pray that all residents will find suitable accommodation before renovation starts in March, and that as a community we will find a way to stay connected, support, and encourage each other.


Praise God that clients are seeking help to get their finances in order. It can take a lot of courage to put yourself in the vulnerable place of sharing your personal finances with an organization you haven't worked with before, even if you know it is a step towards being free from unmanageable debt. Pray that God stirs the heart of Christians around these clients to support and encourage them through the process.

Pray that the organizations, debt coach, and volunteers involved the Debt Centre have the wisdom and focus to support our clients well, despite all the distractions they may face.


Pray for the staff as they reach out to youth housed in hotels, who are often lonely. Depression and use of drugs is especially high during these dark months.

Pray for new possibilities to connect with street involved youth as the restrictions are lifting.

Pray for former and new volunteers to re-engage and catch the vision of how to best reach out to people living in precarious situations


Pray for PCC pregnancy centres in Canada that are facing the possible removal of charitable tax status.

Pray for the higher percentage of women and their partners in crisis pregnancies. Pray they will have hope and the Lord will grow love in their hearts for the child He has graciously given them.

Pray that as a church we can come around these women (and men) and offer them community.


Pray for the start of the kids clubs in the Regent Park area that now meet in an new facility.

Pray for renewed energy for staff after this wearying time.

Pray for the kids who have felt like they are isolated and on the fringe, both before and, especially, during the pandemic.

Pray as we go into spring that there will be a new awakening and openness to the gospel message.


Pray for families who often experience food insecurities living from day to day, which are especially felt during the cold winter months when warm food is needed.

Pray for TCM staff and volunteers to be able to bring some relief and hope to the families.

Pray for the new downtown Jesse Ketchum site, for good connections with staff at the Jesse Ketchum school, as well as with students and their families.

Pray for safety and protection for all the TCM staff and volunteers in the communities they serve.


Pray for the volunteers who are now able to visit parlors to connect with workers there.

Pray for safety, renewed vision, and energy for the street teams who reach out to prostitutes.


Pray for prisons to open up for ministry teams to be able to go there to hold Sunday services.

Pray for the inmates involved in Bible studies as well as for their mentors to be able to speak to deep needs, and bring hope and healing through the message of Christ.

Mission in the City: February 2022


I had the privilege of hosting a traditional thanksgiving supper for a few dear friends from Adam House at my apartment. As a recent transplant from the USA, I was excited about sharing some of my most cherished family traditions and, of course, various delicious southern casseroles, with my newly adopted brothers and sisters. After the meal, we gathered around the table and each shared something that we are grateful for in the past year. Many friends gave thanks for God’s providence in various ways during their journey to Canada, and for the care and the kindness they received from strangers, and every single person in the room expressed their gratitude to Adam House for making them feel like a “family” while they are far away from home.

“In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” (Ephesians 1:4b-6) As I count my blessings, I am thankful for Adam House, for the lovely and courageous friends I’ve encountered there. But mostly, I am thankful for Christ’s love which made us sons and daughters; by the extent of his gracious love, we can love and adopt one another as family.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Toronto City Mission


Adam House

  • Short-term and long-term rentals needed. All current residents of Adam House need to move out by March as 430 Gladstone Ave will be undergoing a substantial renovation. If you know of housing options or have a room / apartment to rent out, please contact Lucy at lchaimiti@adamhouse.org. For more details (here).

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needs: non-perishable food, hygiene products, diapers (size 6), and catfood
    • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for healing the residents who were affected by COVID-19 recently and protecting the rest of the house, staff, and volunteers during this.

Pray that all residents will find suitable accommodation before renovation starts in March, and that as a community we will find a way to stay connected, support, and encourage each other.


Pray for the staff as they reach out to youth housed in hotels, who are often lonely. Depression and use of drugs is especially high during these dark months.


Pray for families in this low-income area as they live through the dark, cold days of January and February. These months are especially prone to causing depression.

Pray for the start of the kids clubs in the Regent Park area


Pray for families who often experience food insecurities living from day to day, which are especially felt during the cold winter months when warm food is needed.

Pray for TCM staff and volunteers to be able to bring some relief and hope to the families.

Pray for the launch of the downtown Jesse Ketchum site, for good connections with staff at the Jesse Ketchum school.

Pray for safety and protection for all the TCM staff and volunteers in the communities they serve.

Mission in the City: January 2022


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Volunteer needed to join the youth ministry at Adam House East (Queen & Carlaw) every Wednesday evening. Contact Danyao for more details.

Safe Families

  • Family Coaches needed! Are you a social worker or counselor or teacher who attends Grace Toronto Church and would like to volunteer with our GT Safe Families team to care for vulnerable families in Toronto? Follow this link to learn more about the role. Contact Serena here to get more information and sign-up.

Toronto City Mission

  • Volunteers still needed for the EPIC program in Flemingdon Park (near Don Mills Rd and Eglinton Ave E), Kingston-Galloway (near Lawrence Ave E and Kingston Rd), and Willowtree (near Finch Ave E and Willowdale Ave). For more information: https://www.torontocitymission.com/volunteer.

Yonge Street Mission


Yonge Street Mission


Adam House

  • Winter boots needed. Bless a new resident with a pair of winter boots this holiday season. (donation details).
  • Needs: new or gently-used winter jackets

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needs: non-perishable food and hygiene products
    • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Pray for the 20 new residents at Adam House, the staff and church volunteers to find creative ways to enjoy community and Christian fellowship even as stricter Covid-19 measures have to be adopted to ensure everyone’s safety.

Pray for the children and youth at Adam House Downtown, North and East, that they are well supported in their learning and growth through the guidance of good Christian role models.


Pray for the staff as they reach out to youth housed in hotels, who are often lonely. Depression and use of drugs is especially high during these dark months.


Pray for families in this low-income area as they live through the dark, cold days of January and February. These months are especially prone to causing depression.


Pray for families who often experience food insecurities living from day to day, which are especially felt during the cold winter months when warm food is needed.

Pray for TCM staff and volunteers to be able to bring some relief and hope to the families.

Pray for the launch of the downtown Jesse Ketchum site.

Mission in the City: December 2021


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Volunteer needed to join the youth ministry at Adam House East (Queen & Carlaw) every Wednesday evening. Contact Danyao for more details.


  • Volunteer needed to prepare Christmas care packages for low income families in the Regent Park area. Most volunteering is during the day. For more info, contact Kanga (kangaskidz@gmail.com).

Toronto City Mission

  • Volunteers still needed for the EPIC program in Flemingdon Park (near Don Mills Rd and Eglinton Ave E), Kingston-Galloway (near Lawrence Ave E and Kingston Rd), and Willowtree (near Finch Ave E and Willowdale Ave). For more information: https://www.torontocitymission.com/volunteer.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Volunteers needed as screeners/ushers on Sundays from 2:30pm to 4:00pm. Help us provide a warm greeting, screen guests' health, and usher them into service. To learn more about this role and apply as a volunteer, please click here or email Donnett Bailey at dbailey@ysm.ca.



  • Volunteer needed to prepare Christmas care packages for low income families in the Regent Park area. Most volunteering is during the day. For more info, contact Kanga (kangaskidz@gmail.com).


Adam House

  • Winter boots needed. Bless a new resident with a pair of winter boots this holiday season. (donation details).

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needs: non-perishable food and hygiene products
    • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Pray for the 20 new residents at Adam House, the staff and church volunteers to find creative ways to enjoy community and Christian fellowship even as stricter Covid-19 measures have to be adopted to ensure everyone’s safety.

Pray for the children and youth at Adam House Downtown, North and East, that they are well supported in their learning and growth through the guidance of good Christian role models.


Pray for the staff as they reach out to youth housed in hotels, but who are often lonely, which is especially felt during the Christmas time.


Pray for the families impacted by the shooting in October. Many are still fearful and grieving. Pray especially for the youth to not harden their hearts due to all the violence they have experienced.


Pray for families who often experience food insecurities, which is especially felt during holidays and the cold winter months.

Pray for TCM staff and volunteers to be able to bring some joy to the families.

Mission in the City: November 2021


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Spanish-speaking volunteer needed to join the monthly virtual gathering on Friday, Nov. 19th, to translate for a few new residents so they can participate in the program. Contact Danyao for details.

Toronto City Mission

  • Volunteers still needed for the EPIC program in Flemingdon Park (near Don Mills Rd and Eglinton Ave E), Kingston-Galloway (near Lawrence Ave E and Kingston Rd), and Willowtree (near Finch Ave E and Willowdale Ave). For more information: https://www.torontocitymission.com/volunteer.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Volunteers needed as screeners/ushers on Sundays from 2:30pm to 4:00pm. Help us provide a warm greeting, screen guests' health, and usher them into service. To learn more about this role and apply as a volunteer, please click here or email Donnett Bailey at dbailey@ysm.ca


Adam House

Winter boots needed. Bless a new resident with a pair of winter boots before snow arrives (donation details).

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needs: non-perishable food and hygiene products
    • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for raising runners, volunteers, and donors across multiple local churches who together helped Adam House reach their $40K fundraising goal at the Scotiabank Charity Challenge so that Adam House can continue to witness and minister to refugee claimants in the city.

Pray that God will create openings in the hearts of volunteers and residents so that new friendship can flourish as virtual gatherings resume in November.


Fight4Freedom (F4F) is launching a peer support group this month! Please pray that God will use this group in providing a safe and encouraging space for survivors to support each other.

F4F is finalizing their first male online outreach team and hope this team will start outreach later this month. Please pray for this initiative.

F4F continues to pause club outreach as strip clubs require vaccination reports to get in and F4F thinks it’s unsafe for their teams to disclose so much personal info to club management. Please pray for the teams in discerning other potential ways to reach the ladies working in the clubs.

+ Yonge Street Mission

Pray for healing for Regent Park residents -- too many lives are being lost to gun violence.

Pray for continued protection over staff, throughout this long-lasting pandemic.

Pray for shelter for so many who are on the streets, especially as the weather changes and temperature falls.

Pray for all community members who are suffering from isolation during the pandemic.

Pray for guidance for Yonge Street Mission (YSM) leaders as they develop re-opening plans that will be safe for all.

Pray for needed dentist, physiotherapist, and chiropractor volunteers for YSM's Evergreen Health Center.