Mission in the City: October 2021


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

Safe Families

  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.

Toronto City Mission

Homeless Connect Toronto

  • For Homeless Connect Toronto's upcoming October Community Connect events, volunteers are needed for the following opportunities:
    • Storage Moving - Downtown - Wed Oct 6, 2-4pm
    • Wellness Kit Packing Party - Scarborough - Sat Oct 9, 10am-12pm
    • Clothing Sort - Rosewood Baptist Church - Sun Oct 17, 2-5pm
    • Storage Packing - Scarborough - Fri Oct 22, 1-4pm, Mon Oct 25-Thurs Oct 28, 6-8pm
    • Community Connect Week - Locations Across the City - Mon Oct 25-Fri Oct 29, 9am-4:30pm
  • To sign up: https://form-can.keela.co/2021-volunteer-form


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Sponsor a pair of winterboots for a new resident: contact Danyao for details.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Evergreen Centre for Street-Involved Youth
    • Needs: cotton boxers for men (size S-XL), bras and cotton underwear for women (S-XL), sweatpants with drawstring (S-XL)
  • Evergreen Centre-Nursery
    • Needs: diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), pull-ups (all sizes), formula-similac powder regular (blue), grocery cards, nice treat for the mothers (eg. lotion or bath items)
  • Mental Health Department needs:
    • Needs: laptops for mental health staff (3), art materials and supplies (5 easels, 2 sets of 24 colour acrylic paint, 10 sketchbooks), 15 stretched canvas (any size), drawing supplies (30-pack of willow or set of charcoal), gift cards for clients (Tim Hortons, movies/theatre passes)
    • Psychology books needed: 2 "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk, 2 "My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies" by Resmaa Menakem, 3 "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl, 1 "CBT Worksheets" by James Manning
  • Bridges (Adults 24-60) Food Bank
    • Needs: christmas care packs (arm socks, gloves, mug with hot chocolate packs, warm hats, Tim Hortons gift card $5/$10, toiletries), shavers and shaving cream, adult diapers, gift cards (PC/No Frills, Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart, Tim Hortons)
  • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Prayer for protection for the residents, volunteers and staff as church group visits to Adam House resume in limited capacity throughout the fall and winter.

Prayer for the continued building of friendships and sharing of the Good News despite the physical and language barriers.


Pray for God to help members of our Grace Toronto community find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Pray for the staff and volunteers - that they would be able to find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Pray that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.


Fight4Freedom (F4F)'s online outreach has been having good responses. A number of individuals opened up to the F4F team and shared about their current situations. Majority of these individuals is facing various financial challenges. Two in particular have young children and are homeless. Please pray for God’s intervention in providing a safe and stable place for these individuals. Also please pray for more volunteers to join F4F's online outreach team to ensure timely responses to ongoing connections.

Pray for F4F's men's ministry focus group as they continue to research and discern the set up and launching of F4F’s men’s ministry.

+ Yonge Street Mission

Pray for healing for Regent Park – too many lives being lost to gun violence.

Pray for continued protection over YSM staff

Pray for shelter for the many on the streets as the weather changes and temperatures fall.

Pray for the many community members who are suffering from isolation during the pandemic.

Pray for guidance for YSM leaders as they develop re-opening plans for YSM that will be safe for all.

Pray for dentist, physiotherapist, and chiropractor volunteers for Evergreen Health center.

Mission in the City: September 2021

Safe Families Annual PlayDay Fundraiser


On September 25th, you can PLAY to support families in need. You can walk, run, bike, swim, rollerblade, bake, play a game and much more. You can sign up as an individual, couple, as friends, family, or as a neighbourhood, or church. The funds raised will be used to support parents and children in crisis across our nation.

  • To sign-up now, click here. To learn more about Safe Families Canada, visit safefamiliescanada.com or check out the Safe Families Facebook page for more information about how you can join the movement.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Walk or run with Adam House at the Scotiabank Virtual Toronto Marathon on Oct 16! You can either do this on your own route or join a socially-distanced group walk/run from Adam House Downtown (Bloor & Dufferin) to Adam House East (Queen & Carlaw). More details here.

Safe Families

  • Drivers Needed
    • To transport children of a family in crisis to a host family within the city or back again.
  • Looking for a Regional Director for the Toronto region
    • Do you have a passion for vulnerable families? Do you desire to serve God through loving the ‘least of these’? Do you like working with people and building teams? Are you a self-starter, assertive, organized, and have an entrepreneurial character? Are you a strong communicator who loves holding a team together with your skills, flexibility, and relationship building? Do you love details, administration, and a job well done? If so, consider joining Safe Families Toronto as their Regional Director. Job Description Details
  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.

Toronto City Mission

  • Join a team of passionate and motivated individuals working towards bringing hope to children and families impacted by poverty.
  • As a Christ-centered organization, TCM believes in the power of prayer. During this time when we are all encouraged to stay home, TCM wanted to create a way for supporters like you to see, learn, and pray for communities impacted by poverty from the safety of your home. You can do this on your own or with your family, a group of friends, church members, etc..
    • To gain access to our Virtual Prayer Walk material, please email Dorothy at info@torontocitymission.com.
    • When you sign up, you will receive: a link to the virtual prayer walk video highlighting the needs in the community and prayer points; a PDF of the prayer items so that you can continue to pray for the community after the virtual prayer walkl and an opportunity to have a TCM staff member join you in your watch party via Zoom.


  • Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.
  • Looking for more volunteers, particularly outreach volunteers in the Toronto region and those who are interested in online outreach. For more information: https://www.fight4freedom.ca/volunteer.html
  • Please join one of F4F's walk teams and invite your family and friends to join to help raise awareness and funds for F4F's work. To register, please visit here.


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).

Toronto City Mission

  • As a Christ-centered organization, TCM believes in the power of prayer. During this time when we are all encouraged to stay home, TCM wanted to create a way for supporters like you to see, learn, and pray for communities impacted by poverty from the safety of your home. You can do this on your own or with your family, a group of friends, church members, etc..
    • To gain access to our Virtual Prayer Walk material, please email Dorothy at info@torontocitymission.com.
    • When you sign up, you will receive: a link to the virtual prayer walk video highlighting the needs in the community and prayer points; a PDF of the prayer items so that you can continue to pray for the community after the virtual prayer walk and an opportunity to have a TCM staff member join you in your watch party via Zoom.


  • Walk4Freedom on Sept 25th: Help raise funds, walk through Toronto areas where trafficking is known to occur, and pray together for an end to human trafficking.


Adam House

  • Donate a startup kit with essential items to help an Adam House resident set up their first kitchen after moving out (estimated cost ~$70). More details here.
  • Donate to the renovation fund to help Adam House make some much needed changes. More details here.

Homeless Connect Toronto

  • HCT is hosting a Fall Clothing drive in September. All fall or winter clothing is welcome, but of particular need are men’s and women’s clothing in sizes L, XL, 2XL and 3XL. Contact HCT for more details.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needed Items: baby diapers (size 6, the most popular), pull-ups (sizes 2T-3T, 3T-4T, 4T-5T), body soap/body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, body cream, toilet paper, razer and shaving cream
  • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Pray for new friendship, reconnections and safety as Adam House opens up for volunteers to return for outdoor social visits at limited capacity.

Prayer for joy and wisdom for the small staff team as they navigate the transition and continue ministering to the refugee community.


Light Patrol is grateful that they could run their hotel programs again! They are thankful for the youth that they have met so far. Please continue to keep Light Patrol, the youth, and the programs in your prayers!

A young woman, "A", has been doing a bible study with Karen. They have been studying what baptism means. "A" also recently shared her testimony with Karen! Another young woman, "E", and Nicole will be starting a bible study soon. Please pray for spiritual protection upon these young women and during their time with Light Patrol.

Please pray for all the 1:1 meetings with the youth. Please pray for wisdom to discern how to best support each individual, as they all need different support and are in different stages of life.


Pray that God would provide a Regional Director who has a heart for the vulnerable in the city of Toronto, and would bring vision and direction to the movement.

Pray that Safe Families would be able to find volunteer drivers and family coaches to care for more families and children.

Pray that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host Family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Pray that staff and volunteers would be able to find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Pray that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.


As Squads transitions from summer into fall with schools reopening, pray for good connection with the kids and families that have come to Squads.

Pray for new kids to join and for families to be comfortable to let them come.

Pray for much fruit in these unpredictable times, that the gospel will take root in these young lives.


Pray for connections made during summer camps to continue.

Pray for wisdom in running the various programs in the communities.


Please pray for street and club outreach volunteers needs as well as Mandarin-speaking parlour outreach volunteers needs.

Please pray for an Advocacy Coordinator for Men to join our ministry department as we are developing and formalizing F4F's men's ministry.

Please pray for both financial provision and the right support for the survivors who are preparing for school in the fall.

Mission in the City: August 2021


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Walk or run with Adam House at the Scotiabank Virtual Toronto Marathon on Oct 16! You can either do this on your own route or join a socially-distanced group walk/run from Adam House Downtown (Bloor & Dufferin) to Adam House East (Queen & Carlaw). More details here.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • PCC is looking for female volunteers to assist staff when meeting with clients, connecting with clients through email or phone calls, and/or assisting with administrative tasks such as housing or job searches on clients' behalf.
    • Location: Downtown (U of T Campus)
    • Once-a-Month Commitment: Tuesdays or Thursdays; afternoons (3-6pm) or evenings (6-9pm)
  • If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Safe Families

  • Drivers Needed
    • To transport children of a family in crisis to a host family within the city or back again.
  • Looking for a Regional Director for the Toronto region
    • Do you have a passion for vulnerable families? Do you desire to serve God through loving the ‘least of these’? Do you like working with people and building teams? Are you a self-starter, assertive, organized, and have an entrepreneurial character? Are you a strong communicator who loves holding a team together with your skills, flexibility, and relationship building? Do you love details, administration, and a job well done? If so, consider joining Safe Families Toronto as their Regional Director. Job Description Details
  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


  • Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.
  • Looking for more volunteers, particularly outreach volunteers in the Toronto region and those who are interested in online outreach. For more information: https://www.fight4freedom.ca/volunteer.html


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Donate a startup kit with essential items to help an Adam House resident set up their first kitchen after moving out (estimated cost ~$70). More details here.

Tabitha House

  • Outdoor Maintenance Items Needed: push lawn mower (can be gently used or new), some shade-loving plants, gardening gloves, trowel and pruners, bags of fresh soil for planting, and an outdoor deck box to store patio cushions
  • Care Baskets Needed
    • Contents: new twin bedding and personal care items including personal hygiene items, a few healthy snacks, and a fresh towel set
  • For additional information, or to coordinate donation, reach out to Erin McPherson at erinmcp@gmail.com.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needed Items: baby diapers (size 6, the most popular), pull-ups (sizes 2T-3T, 3T-4T, 4T-5T), wet cat food, wet and dry dog food, body soap/body wash, sunscreen, toothpaste, deodorant, body cream, toilet paper, razer and shaving cream
  • Also, consider assembling a Welcome Home Laundry Basket Kit.
  • For more information or to arrange drop off, please contact Eleanor at 647-466-1865 or eedwards@ysm.ca.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for the improving COVID situation in the city that allowed the first in-person meet up with some Adam House residents in the park this month. Prayer for the safety of residents and volunteers as in-person programs resume.

Pray for George (not his real name) whose wife and daughter are still in their country of origin and are in danger. They are planning to travel to Canada later this month. Pray that they would be able to do so and that God would protect them in the meantime. Pray for George to experience peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of a difficult situation.

Pray for people who have received refugee status in Canada and are waiting on their Permanent Residency status. The wait can be interminable, unsettling, and long, especially for those who have children or spouses who are still in danger. Processing time for family members waiting to reunite with a refugee in Canada is 39 months!

Pray for the immigration delays that the residents continue to experience. It is taking significantly longer to obtain basic documents and work permits, and to schedule immigration interviews, resulting in anxiety and frustration for the residents.

Throughout the pandemic the residents have been spending more time in the house than they usually would. This can lead to tension at times. Please pray for peace and patience as the residents navigate challenging times.

As always, and most importantly, please pray for open hearts to hear and experience the peace of Jesus.


Pray that God would provide a Regional Director who has a heart for the vulnerable in the city of Toronto, and would bring vision and direction to the movement.

Pray that Safe Families would be able to find volunteer drivers and family coaches to care for more families and children.

Pray that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host Family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Pray that staff and volunteers would be able to find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Pray that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.


Prayer for the campers to be encouraged when they are feeling challenged by difficult lesson material or by new music skills.

Prayer for safety for the camps at Willowtree and Flemingdon Park, as there are no indoor facilities and there have been recent crimes in the communities.

Prayer that staff and volunteers better know what God is doing in the community and in the hearts of the kids, to partner with Him in that.

Prayer for the new families that TCM has reached out to recently about summer camp, to respond to the invitation.


F4F is preparing for their annual Fall Walk4Freedom. It's going to be on September 25th. Please pray for God to mobilize people to join in bringing awareness and funds for the ministry work.

F4F was able to start journeying with a couple new survivors through online outreach. Please pray for their transition and that God’s love and work be made known to them.

As Covid restrictions continue to be loosened, please pray for the re-engagement of in-person club and parlour outreach.

Mission in the City: July 2021


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Join the Adam House team for a walk and run on Oct. 16th to raise funds for Adam House. You can either do this on your own route or join a physically-distanced group walk or run from Adam House Downtown (Bloor & Dufferin) to Adam House East (Queen & Carlaw). For more information, please contact Tim (here).

Safe Families

  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).

Homeless Connect Toronto

  • This month, Homeless Connect Toronto (HCT) is focused on recruiting excited go-getters who will be willing to rally up a team of five or so friends, colleagues, family members, or anyone else, to commit to raising funds together this coming August. There will be an exciting competition among all fundraising teams. Join HCT to captain a team, win exciting prizes, and help the needy while you engage in adventure. Register your team here or contact us at info@hctoronto.org for more details.
  • HCT is looking for a creative Social Media & Content Writer. This is a volunteer position where you will have the chance to work with a passionate team dedicated to connecting the dots to end homelessness. Click here for more information or send an email to info@hctoronto.org. Applications will remain open until the position is filled.


Adam House

  • Donate a startup kit with essential items to help an Adam House resident set up their first kitchen after moving out (estimated cost ~$70). More details here.

Safe Families

  • Items Needed:
    • Spring and summer women’s clothing (size L and XL) - can be gently used
    • Women’s shoes (size 10)
    • Children’s clothing (boy, size 5T and 6T) - can be gently used
    • Safe Families can also accept monetary donations to help purchase these items.
  • Please contact Serena (here).

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for bringing over 50 volunteers, current & former residents, staff and supporters of Adam House together on June 10th for a virtual World Refugee Day fellowship event to celebrate God’s work in this community.

Prayer for new residents at Adam House, that God give them refuge and rest in this city after fleeing from whatever hardship they were experiencing.

Prayer for the staff, that they have all the information and resources they need as they plan for a potential reopening of programs at Adam House later this summer.

Prayer for the Grace team who is serving Adam House in a variety of ways, from English lessons to fruit ministry to virtual socials, that they continue to experience God’s love for the refugee community pouring through them.


A young woman, "T", that Light Patrol has been connecting well with over the past several months, suddenly said that she doesn't want to meet anymore without any explanation. Light Patrol has had numerous conversations with her about God, watched "The Chosen", and talked about having a Bible study on the book of John. Please pray for T, and also for Karen, who has been closely working with her.

A young man "D" was offered a full-time job after a long time of trying and waiting. However, he was worried that he may not like the job or his co-workers. Since then, he also stopped talking to Light Patrol. Please pray for him and for an opportunity to reconnect.

Light Patrol is finally opening the Thursday Hotel Programs again in July! Please pray that God will open the hearts of the youth that Light Patrol will be connecting with at the hotel.

Pray for all the staff team members who are taking time off for the summer. May they have a restful time with their family and friends, and come back refreshed!


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.


Prayer that God calls the right people to join TCM staff and fill the 3 Outreach Worker positions that have opened up.

Prayer for safety, peace, and comfort for families, that God may meet their every need.

Prayer for the time spent with children and youth during Sonshine Day Camp in the months of July and August.

Prayer for safety for staff and campers as we host in-person programs over the summer.


Pray for humans who are being trafficked using the 12-point prayer prompt.



PCC is looking for female volunteers to assist staff when meeting with clients, connecting with clients through email or phone calls, and/or assisting with administrative tasks such as housing or job searches on clients' behalf.

+ Details

Location: Downtown (U of T Campus)

Once-a-Month Commitment: Tuesdays or Thursdays; afternoons (3-6pm) or evenings (6-9pm)

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.

F4F is currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Mission in the City: June 2021


I got started with Light Patrol through Grace Toronto Church about 3 years ago. I had been living and working in the downtown core for about a year. On my way to work, out with friends, no matter the time of day, I kept seeing people in need on the streets. I had no idea how to help or what to do, but I knew I wanted to serve and love my neighbours. It can really only be God-orchestrated as a few weeks later, I was at Grace Toronto flipping through the bulletin and saw that there was an organization called Light Patrol. I contacted Light Patrol and got around to doing a try-out volunteer run. Pre-covid times, I loved spending a few evenings a month with the team of volunteers and staff. We drive around Toronto in an RV and stop at a few locations - we normally have soup, sandwiches and clothing for our friends on the streets.

It overwhelms me that over the years, Light Patrol volunteers have built some incredible relationships. A lot of our friends on the streets come onto the RV to chat and hang out, sometimes it is to share funny stories, or how our days are going, and other times they want to talk about the struggles they have. A lot of the times, I nod, listen and share my own anecdotes. Other times, I ask if I can pray for them and with them. I remember meeting a woman who was about my age, living in a shelter nearby. She opened up about her past and how she ended up at the shelter. The conversation with her was so memorable to me because even though she found herself in a tough spot in life, she was still hopeful for what is to come. She told me she believed in God and that she relies on Him as her strength for each day; it was such an encouragement to me. We prayed together and said goodbye. I haven't seen her since, but I pray and think about her when I pass by that shelter. Another night, I sat with one of the regular RV attendees for about 30 minutes. He wasn't himself that night; he was very high and had those glossed over eyes. I think he just wanted someone around to listen. He spoke of things that were haunting him and scaring him, sometimes he cried and sometimes he laughed. I just sat there and listened. I felt so helpless in that moment and remembered praying for God to give me the right words to say. Before we left, I passed along some food and water and prayed with him.

Not all of my volunteer moments are heavy, actually, a lot of the times I go home with a light and joyful heart. People come onto the RV, crack jokes, tell us funny stories and I love listening to them. There is a regular visitor who comes to the RV often. I love seeing him - he is one of the kindest men I have ever met. He had found an injured squirrel on one of his walks and decided to nurse it back. For a few weeks he carried the squirrel in his jacket or his backpack - I never got to see this in person. But he told us he set it free a few weeks later at a park nearby, and each day he would visit the park, call out and his squirrel would run back to him.

I am reminded through these interactions that God calls us to love all of His people, and that they are precious to Him. I pray that as Torontonians that our hearts continue to grow for those that are poor and those that are in need. I pray that we would continue to be loving neighbours to the people we see when we take walks and go to the grocery store. Light Patrol is doing some smaller outreaches right now; please continue to pray for the staff who are meeting our friends on the street every week. Please pray that they can connect and build relationships and that those would ultimately lead to Christ.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Bless a family with 3 kids who are transitioning out of Adam House by sending them a fruit basket; see the Booth House sign up here, or contact Tim for more information.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Learn how the Grace Community can support PCC in serving new parents who may feel alone in Toronto by attending a training session hosted by Grace Toronto and led by the Pregnancy Care Centre on June 23rd. If you are interested, please sign up here.

Safe Families

  • Would you consider joining the Safe Families GTA Leadership Council?
    • Safe Families Toronto is looking for individuals who share the vision of the organization and desire to serve using their unique expertise and experience to support and guide the local Chapter. This document gives an overview of the Leadership Council roles and responsibilities. For more information, please contact Serena (here).
  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.

Toronto City Mission


Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Learn how the Grace Community can support PCC in serving new parents who may feel alone in Toronto by attending a training session hosted by Grace Toronto and led by the Pregnancy Care Centre on June 23rd. If you are interested, please sign up here.

Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Adam House East (a new transitional house acquired by Adam House) aka Booth House is looking for donations of new or gently-used patio furniture. Please contact Danyao for more information.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Needed clothes: baby boy clothes (12-24 months), baby boy and girl clothes (0-12months)
    • Text 416-229-2607 to schedule drop off.

Safe Families

  • Items Needed:
    • Spring and summer women’s clothing (size L and XL) - can be gently used
    • Women’s shoes (size 10)
    • Children’s clothing (boy, size 5T and 6T) - can be gently used
    • Safe Families can also accept monetary donations to help purchase these items.
  • Please contact Serena (here).

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needed Items: body soap/body wash, sunscreen, toothpaste, deodorant, body cream, toilet paper, wet cat food, wet and dry dog food, baby diapers (size 6, the most popular and we have none left, and size 7), pull-ups (sizes 2T-3T, 3T-4T, and 4T-5T)

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for providing for the furnishing of Adam House East aka Booth House through the generous donations of church members.

Prayer for staff who have been juggling multiple priorities, planning for the upcoming World Refugee Celebration, setting up Adam House East, coordinating churches participating in virtual gatherings, and ministering to the material and spiritual needs of the residents.

Prayer for residents who are waiting for their refugee case hearings.


Praise for PCC meeting and exceeding their First Response Relay fundraising goal of $100,000.

Praise for Grace Toronto’s participation in the First Response Relay and helping the PCC achieve their goal by raising over $3800.

Prayer for the moms and dads who are currently looking for suitable housing. Pray that they are able to find housing that fits their budget.


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.

Prayer for a smooth transition as another staff member temporarily fills the position of executive director for Safe Families Canada.

Prayer that the right people would decide to join the GTA Leadership Council and that they would be unified in their vision for the advancement of the Safe Families movement throughout Toronto.


All of TCM's communities are located in COVID-19 hotspots. Although there are opportunities to get vaccinated, the lineups are long, and making appointments is an arduous task.

Prayer for discernment in building community and engaging with kids, youth, and parents.

Prayer for families learning to manage work, family, and virtual school.

Prayer that God calls the right people to join TCM staff and fill the 3 Outreach Worker positions that have opened up, as well as the Role Model Mom facilitator position.


Prayer for the Toronto street outreach team as there have been some changes to the members. Pray for new members to join in this ministry.

Prayer for resource provisions as we take steps in exploring a men’s ministry that supports men who are impacted by sex trafficking.

Praise for the new staff who just joined our staff team. Pray for their transitioning to their new roles.


Pray for more donations so that we can continue to serve our clients.

Pray for volunteers to feel safe to come and volunteer, be the hands needed, be the contact needed for people living on the fringe.



PCC is looking for female volunteers to assist staff when meeting with clients, connecting with clients through email or phone calls, and/or assisting with administrative tasks such as housing or job searches on clients' behalf.

+ Details

Location: Downtown (U of T Campus)

Once-a-Month Commitment: Tuesdays or Thursdays; afternoons (3-6pm) or evenings (6-9pm)

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.

F4F is currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca