Mission in the City: July 2022


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Female volunteer needed to join the weekly youth ministry at Adam House East (Queen & Broadview). For more details, contact Danyao.

Christians Against Poverty

  • People in our communities are struggling with debt. We want to share the practical love of Jesus with them and are running a Debt Centre in partnership with Christians Against Poverty (CAP). In this partnership model, qualified credit counselors at CAP’s head office negotiate with creditors, develop budgets, and explore options for clients’ journeys out of debt. We, as the local church, are at the forefront helping clients through the process, supporting them practically and spiritually, as they are equipped and empowered to pay off their debt.
    • We need committed volunteers. As sinners saved by grace, this is an opportunity for us to live out our faith by tangibly helping and humbly walking alongside our neighbours with debt. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form.

Toronto City Mission

Yonge Street Mission


Yonge Street Mission

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for new volunteers who have joined the Grace Adam House team just in time as in-person activities are resuming.

Prayer for the small group meeting in Grange Park this summer, that it be a fruitful platform for growing fellowship between volunteers and residents.

Prayer for the discipleship of the team as missionaries in the city.


Praise God that clients are seeking help to get their finances in order. It can take a lot of courage to put yourself in the vulnerable place of sharing your personal finances with an organization you haven't worked with before, even if you know it is a step towards being free from unmanageable debt. Pray that God stirs the heart of Christians around these clients to support and encourage them through the process.

Pray that the organizations, debt coach, and volunteers involved in the Debt Centre have the wisdom and focus to support clients well, despite all the distractions they may face.


Pray for vision and wisdom in rebuilding the ministry since it had to be curtailed during restrictions.

Pray for the increased number of unhoused youth. Youth make up 28% of the homeless population.


Pray for the leaders and kids as the regular programs close. May what they have learned about God keep resonating with them.


Pray that the children wrap up the school year with strength.

Pray for Sonshine Day Camp as we will be hosting full capacity day camps, for the first time in three years.

Pray for staff and interns as they begin to plan for Sonshine Day Camp.


Pray for the volunteers as street ministry has opened up again.

Pray for safety of the teams during the late night outreach.