Mission in the City: May 2021


This Mother’s Day weekend I will be joining with others from Grace Toronto, and churches across the GTA, by participating in the Pregnancy Care Centre’s Annual 5K Relay. I will be walking to help raise money for the incredible work this organization does throughout the GTA. As a volunteer with the PCC for the last 4 years, I have seen firsthand the impact they have on the women and families who come to them in some of their darkest moments. Women who are facing unexpected pregnancies, who feel alone and scared of what their future may look like. Many come feeling societal pressures that tell them abortion is their only option. However, through the work of the staff and volunteers at PCC, these women are given a listening ear to their struggles, a hope and light in the darkness and above all else they are shown Christ’s love and that they are not alone. Knowing that there is a community who cares and is willing to support them allows these woman to make the decision to parent, and it is for this reason that I will walk this Mother’s Day weekend. I will walk so that more women can experience hope in their darkest moments, that they know they are not alone and abortion is not their only option.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Join the fruits rotation to help create weekly fruit packages as our way to encourage the residents during the pandemic when we still cannot meet in person. Sign up here, or contact Tim for more information.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Will you join Grace Toronto's team and walk 5km with us this Mother's Day weekend (May 8th-9th)? Or consider graciously donating to our team? When you walk (or donate), you provide HOPE to families and reaffirm the value of human life. The PCC exists so that women can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option.
  • Click here (link) to sign up for the Grace Toronto team or to donate and support us!

Safe Families

  • Would you consider joining the Safe Families GTA Leadership Council?
    • Safe Families Toronto is looking for individuals who share the vision of the organization and desire to serve using their unique expertise and experience to support and guide the local Chapter. This document gives an overview of the Leadership Council roles and responsibilities. For more information, please contact Serena (here).
  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Will you join Grace Toronto's team and walk 5km with us this Mother's Day weekend (May 8th-9th)? Or consider graciously donating to our team? When you walk (or donate), you provide HOPE to families and reaffirm the value of human life. The PCC exists so that women can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option.
  • Click here (link) to sign up for the Grace Toronto team or to donate and support us!

Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Adam House East Fundraiser & Furniture Donation: Help Adam House buy and furnish a new transitional house for refugee families in the city. Only $19,500 left to raise (out of $60,000). See link for donation and furniture drop-off details. For donations, select Fund "Adam House East" and Sub Fund "Grace Toronto".

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Needed items for new mothers/parents: baby boy clothing (12-24 months), baby boy and girl clothing (0-12 months).
    • Text 416-229-2607 to schedule drop off.

Safe Families

  • Items Needed:
    • Spring and summer women’s clothing (size L and XL) - can be gently used
    • Women’s shoes (size 10)
    • Children’s clothing (boy, size 5T and 6T) - can be gently used
    • Safe Families can also accept monetary donations to help purchase these items.
  • Please contact Serena (here).

Homeless Connect Toronto

  • Needs for people living on the street or with insecure housing are still high.
  • Donate to help meet these needs (link).

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for providing Adam House East a previously uninhabitable house from Toronto Community Housing Corporation. It will now be converted into a transitional home for refugees coming through Adam House.

Prayer for Janey, Caleb, and the residents in their 1:1 English lessons, that their fellowship be enriching to all those involved.

Prayer for the group in Adam House North that started gathering for a Discovery Bible Study, that they will be able to deepen their relationship with God and each other through the study of God’s Word.


Prayer for the annual 5k fundraiser happening May 8th - prayer that PCC will meet and surpass their financial goals so that more women will be helped.

Praise for the willingness of the Grace community to financially support this fundraiser.

Prayer for staff and volunteers as PCC moves back to being virtual during this stay-at-home order.

Prayer for the women and families who are finding it especially stressful during this time of uncertainty. Pray that those who are job and/or home searching will be able to find something that adequately fits their needs.


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.

Prayer for a smooth transition as another staff member temporarily fills the position of executive director for Safe Families Canada.

Prayer that the right people would decide to join the GTA Leadership Council and that they would be unified in their vision for the advancement of the Safe Families movement throughout Toronto.


Prayer that all children would be able to focus and function during online school, and that activities would safely open up for them in the summer.

Prayer for safety as Regent Park is a hotspot.


Praise God that relationship with families continue to grow as well as engagement during Bible time with the kids and youth.

Praise be to God that we have hired a new Fundraising Coordinator, Alan Chu.

Praise God that volunteers, children, and youth continue to engage and get to know each other through programming.

Prayer for the families' and childrens' physical and mental health and safety, as the city and GTA go into another lockdown/stay-at-home-order (many of the children have expressed heightened emotions during this time). Pray also for the Mission.

Prayer over the communities that TCM serves as all of them are in areas that are considered hotspots in Toronto (Flemingdon Park, Kingston-Galloway, and Willowtree).

Prayer for discernment in building community and engaging with kids, youth, and parents.


Prayer for street outreach. Pray for timely connections with individuals during street outreach, for them to experience God's loving pursuit of them. Pray for suitable outreach members to join the team.

A number of F4F staff members are experiencing health challenges. Prayer for God's healing and strength as well as His protection over the staff and volunteer team.

Prayer for the parlours F4F visits. Pray that their teams can provide care and support through phone or texts even though in-person outreach to parlours is on pause.



PCC is looking for female volunteers to assist staff when meeting with clients, connecting with clients through email or phone calls, and/or assisting with administrative tasks such as housing or job searches on clients' behalf.

+ Details

Location: Downtown (U of T Campus)

Once-a-Month Commitment: Tuesdays or Thursdays; afternoons (3-6pm) or evenings (6-9pm)

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.

F4F is currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Mission in the City: April 2021



While we usually feature stories connected to our Toronto affiliations and community partners, once in a while we feature stories of our Grace Toronto Church missionaries or testimonies of congregants who have family in other parts of the world.

This time we are invited to hear the testimony of Joanne, a Grace member, whose family lives in Tigray. We recognize that civil war is messy and there are many sides involved in this conflict. In Joanne's testimony, you'll hear her heartfelt cry about the devastating situation in Tigray and her suggestions for ways to help. To read it, follow the link to this document.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Will you join Grace Toronto's team and walk 5km with us this Mother's Day weekend (May 8th-9th)? Or consider graciously donating to our team? When you walk (or donate), you provide HOPE to families and reaffirm the value of human life. The PCC exists so that women can thrive without seeing abortion as their only option.
  • Click here (link) to sign up for the Grace Toronto team or to donate and support us!

Safe Families

  • Would you consider joining the Safe Families GTA Leadership Council?
    • Safe Families Toronto is looking for individuals who share the vision of the organization and desire to serve using their unique expertise and experience to support and guide the local Chapter. This document gives an overview of the Leadership Council roles and responsibilities. There will be an upcoming information session regarding the leadership council on April 7th, 2021. The information session will be a great time to learn more about the role and answer any questions you may have.
    • If you would like to attend, please contact Serena (here).
  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
    • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
    • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Winter boots needed for two new residents. See donation details (link).

Light Patrol

  • Tarps needed as this season gets particularly wet.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Needed items for new mothers/parents: baby clothing, diapers (sizes 1,2,3), wipes, formula, gently-used furniture (crib, car seat, stroller, etc.), and new or gently-used maternity clothes.
  • To arrange drop off of these items, please refer to: https://pccfriends.ca/in-kind-donations/

Yonge Street Mission

  • Hygiene products needed
  • Food needed: starch (rice and pasta), condiments (ketchup, BBQ sauce, mustard)
  • Chocolates and bath towels needed for Easter.
  • Please call 647-466-1865 or email eedwards@ysm.ca to arrange a donation drop off.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Prayer for the residents who are waiting for their refugee hearing that their cases are heard with compassion, and the residents who have been accepted that they may find jobs and community in which to put down roots. May God open doors for them and help them thrive in Toronto.

Prayer for the staff and volunteers to be sustained and encouraged, that they may continue to share Christ's love to those who find themselves in the awkward situation of having to flee their home and seek a new life in a foreign land.


Next month the Light Patrol team undertakes their strategic planning process, where they set out ministry goals and activities for the next couple of years. Please pray for wisdom and unity through this process that they would have a clear sense of where Jesus wants to lead the team.

Prayer for strength and encouragement for the team as well; they have had some really great ministry opportunities, but it has also been tiring: the constant changes, missing the volunteers, having Bianca on mat leave.

Prayer for the youth, that Light Patrol would continue to find ways to connect and support them, and that God would draw them close.


Prayer for expectant moms who are facing a challenging job market, that they may feel God’s peace and see God’s provisions for them and their child.

Prayer for one particular mom who worries that if she does not find a job to support her and her unborn baby that abortion will be the only option as she then would feel that she is unable to parent. Pray not only that she can find a job, but that the right people will come around her to support her and that she doesn’t feel alone in this pregnancy.

Prayer for the expectant moms who have suffered miscarriages. Pray for the PCC staff and volunteers as they come alongside these women to support them during these challenging times.

Praise for the members of our church who are wanting to connect and walk alongside these moms and help bring them into community. Pray that as they do, these women will learn who God is and God’s love for them.


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.

Prayer for a smooth transition as another staff member temporarily fills the position of executive director for Safe Families Canada.

Prayer that the right people would decide to join the GTA Leadership Council and that they would be unified in their vision for the advancement of the Safe Families movement throughout Toronto.


Street outreach has re-started! Please pray for impactful presence and conversations with individuals met during street outreach.

There are a number of interns this school term. They are all assisting on various projects that add to the growth and development of F4F. Pray that their internship time with F4F would be a valuable experience for them.


Due to Covid, Homeless Connect Toronto has switched from one big event at the end of October to four smaller pop-up events over the year. The first two pop-up events will be held on April 21st and 29th. Please pray for the organization of these events, that they meet the needs of the guests and provide for their safety.



PCC is looking for female volunteers to assist staff when meeting with clients, connecting with clients through email or phone calls, and/or assisting with administrative tasks such as housing or job searches on clients' behalf.

+ Details

Location: Downtown (U of T Campus)

Once-a-Month Commitment: Tuesdays or Thursdays; afternoons (3-6pm) or evenings (6-9pm)

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work.

  • Freedom Fighter Conference is online this year and it's free! F4F hopes to empower people with Biblical tools and encourage them to continue the work of fighting for the freedom of the individuals trapped in the sex trade and trafficking industry in Canada and around the world. It's going to be on April 22nd to 24th.

F4F is currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Mission in the City: March 2021



This fall, our Downtown Moms Group locked arms with the Pregnancy Care Centre and welcomed a young, pregnant mom into our community and weekly meetings. When we first met this mom, she was about two months away from her due date, anxious, and a long ways away from family and friends (she came from India to complete a degree here). We had the privilege of connecting with this mom and getting to know her excitement, worries, needs, and prayer requests. Early on, she shared with us that she had not told her parents about her pregnancy and was really worried about whether they were going to accept her son and her partner since they conceived the baby out of wedlock. As you can imagine, being in a different country, without your mom, friends and family, and having an unplanned, first baby during a pandemic is a lot to take on. She asked us questions about preparing for the baby’s arrival, about our birth experiences, about nursing, about where to find certain baby items, etc. and many moms in our group reached out to her individually to ensure that she felt encouraged, prepared, and had everything she needed for the baby’s arrival. The moms in our group did an amazing job offering wisdom, shared experience, encouragement, prayer and resources to her. Many other church members also contributed to this mom’s care by providing meals to her via a meal train, groceries, formula, and diapers. Because of the pandemic, most of us never had a chance to meet this mom in person, but that did not mean we did not get to know her. Almost all of our communication was through WhatsApp or a phone call, and yet that was enough to get to know this mom and encourage her/pray for her, to get her address so we could deliver food, clothing, and supplies to her, and to get a glimpse of what this pandemic is like for those who do not know Christ and are not part of the church family. This mom is doing well and is madly in love with her sweet baby boy. Their family has now returned to India to be close to her and her partner’s family, which have come to accept and love their new baby.

Priya, one of our Grace moms, shared why she initially reached out to this mom and how their relationship developed: “It was great to get to know this mom, even if it was just over text. I wanted to reach out to her for a few different reasons, including that her cultural background was similar to mine and that she was young and not in an ideal situation. Being an Indian woman and having a child outside of marriage would be very, very difficult, and in a lot of situations the parents are extremely unhappy and unsupportive. I wanted to talk to her about how she was feeling about this. When she first told her parents, they did not speak to her for a few days, and she was quite upset. I tried to encourage her to give them a little bit of time. Today I spoke with her and she said she is going to see her parents tomorrow and is very excited. She is currently with her partner’s parents and, so far, everyone has been supportive of them. Regardless of how much support you have, as we all know, having a child is life changing and also very difficult, no matter how prepared you think you are. I have no immediate family here and even though my parents came to help me after both my kids were born, being on my own most of the time with them while my husband worked was very hard. This is why I am always happy to support new moms in any way I can. I’m glad that this mom is back with her family and she seems happy; she has them to help and guide her through this process and doesn’t feel alone, which is great!”

Similarly, Rosanna (also from Grace) writes: “One thing that stuck out to me from this mom’s introduction was that she had no family in Toronto while she prepared for the baby’s arrival. As a non-Canadian myself, this church and moms group has become family to me in the past three years. I wanted to ensure she felt welcome and supported. She needed a safe place for her newborn to sleep, and I had a spare mini crib to give her, which started our relationship. From here on, I would check-in with her via text occasionally and try to encourage her as she navigated the overwhelming reality of becoming a new parent.”

I think all Christians know it is their calling to step into the lives of vulnerable people and help where they can, but it is easy to forget that these vulnerable people were also created in the image and likeness of God with unique resemblance to Him, thus they too have something beautiful to offer us as well. Rosanna identified this in her relationship with this mom and was reminded of God’s work in the life of His people: “I admired this mother’s always respectful boldness in asking for the things she needed (an area of my life I struggle with). Because she asked for help, I got to again see the strength and power of a collective community — moms (and couples) all over the GTA took time to sift through unneeded items in their homes and/or used their finances to buy diapers, wipes, formula, and food for this family while caring for their own kiddos and other obligations in the middle of a pandemic. Also, through her story, I witnessed reconciliation of the most beautiful kind. She has recently shared with me that she has safely arrived in India and her family is taking great care of her baby boy. She is relieved and my heart is so glad. It reminds me of how in Jesus we are accepted just as we are — sinners saved by a radical grace — welcomed home again with no reservations.”

When our moms group decided to include this mom in our community, I (Serena) stepped in to be a main contact person for this new relationship and to ensure this mom was cared for. If you know me, you know this is an area of the Christian pilgrimage I am passionate about, but I certainly don’t find it easy to step into these spaces of responsibility. While I knew that God cares about this mom and is with her, providing what she needs, I feared I would not have enough time, energy and resources to be a ‘good’ vessel for God’s use in this mom’s life. When God puts the opportunity to help someone in my path, I find it easy to fall into the thinking that the full weight of their burdens and choices are mine to bear — as if it is my duty to solve all their problems for them and remove the consequences of their decisions. In order to say yes to God and these opportunities, I have to take these lies before God and Scripture constantly in order to think rightly about the situation, serve wisely and love boldly — looking for opportunities to introduce Christ, the true Saviour. Connecting with this mom, provided me with the chance to see God at work in her life and the lives of other members at our church. I did not end up sharing the Gospel in full with her while she was here, but I did get the opportunity to pray with, and for, her over the phone when she really needed someone. I was also given the opportunity to give more than I felt I was able to ensure this mom and baby had the food they needed to thrive and heal. God is our great provider. Everything we have (or earned) is His and we are His and they (those we serve) are His. I learned this in a new way over the Christmas season. I am thankful for the connections our church has to vulnerable people in our city and for our church's encouragement and support to reach out to them.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Safe Families

  • Sign-up to become a “Family Friend” to a segregated family in our city.
  • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
  • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
  • Family Friends provide: love to the parent(s) through encouragement; security and peace to the parent(s) because they know someone sees them and cares about their well-being; knowledge and information they may not have; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time.
  • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the online training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).


Adam House

  • Winter boots needed for two new residents. See donation details (link).

Safe Families

  • Needed items: a small/mini freezer for a single mom, and a larger deep freezer for a food bank ministry run by one of the moms we have helped in the past.

The Dale Ministries

  • Needed items: PPE, hand sanitizer, hygiene supplies, food, grocery cards, sleeping bags, blankets, and winter gear.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Non-perishable food needed: dried chickpeas, beans, and lentils; peanut butter; pasta; tomato sauce; Kraft Dinner; pre-packaged cheese pasta; rice; breakfast cereal; gluten-free pasta and cereal; cooking oil (canola, olive, and other vegetable oils); canned tuna and salmon; tea and coffee; powdered milk; jars of jam and honey; energy bars and Ensure/meal-replacement drinks; baby cereal and jarred food; and baby formula (liquid or powdered).
  • Toiletry items needed, such as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, and toothpaste.

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for the individuals and GGs who sponsored a total of 12 pairs of winter boots for new residents at Adam House over the last two months. The recipients (3 women, 4 men, 5 children) were grateful for the timely gifts that will keep them warm this winter.

Prayer for three community members who are looking for jobs -- that God opens doors for them so they can use their gifts to provide for their families and start putting down roots in the city.

Prayer for residents who recently moved out of the house -- that they continue to experience friendship and love through connections they’ve made at Adam House with staff, church volunteers, and other residents, and that they be protected from loneliness.


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever. Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge.

Prayer for a smooth transition as our executive director goes on maternity leave this month and another staff member fills her place.


Praise God that staff and kids have been able to communicate better.

Praise God that all the families and staff continue to remain in good health!

Praise God that we're still able to continue ministry despite having to move to online programming.

Prayer for the children to learn and understand what is being taught as it can be difficult for them to concentrate and stay engaged with more screen time due to online learning.

Prayer for children and parents to find a healthy family dynamic as they are required to spend most, if not all, of their hours together in a small space.

Prayer for the continued health and safety of the families and staff.

Prayer for the staff as they continue to connect with the families from a distance.



Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work. They are currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Mission in the City: February 2021


I arrived in Toronto 7 years ago, and through Grace Toronto Church and GCMJ (formerly Hope Toronto), I was catapulted into the Adam House ministry, which has since become one of the pillars of my life in Toronto. God has poured His grace and mercy into me through this ministry. It is a story of His glory through my weaknesses.

At the time, there was an active GTC team regularly hosting a casual Friday coffee night once a month, to build friendships and relationships with the residents at Adam House. I was a novice to this kind of setting, my only previous exposure was a weekly commitment at a soup kitchen ministry as a dishwasher in the back kitchen. To add to the hurdle, as an introverted planner, going into social situations like the Friday coffee night without a tangible pathway to a pre-defined outcome (of connections or relationships leading to Gospel conversations) resulted in an almost insurmountable amount of stress. By God's grace, I was convicted of the need to develop capacity in that area and, by His mercy, through a series of baby steps, examples and friendships with the various leaders both of the team and of Adam House, I was afforded a lot of help, gradually becoming more involved with the ministry and starting to build relationships with the residents.

Things began to improve, and through various developments I was approached by my predecessor to co-lead the team with Danyao, who together with her husband Ryan could not have been more patient in working with me. Being of a personality type that gets stressed out over imperfect outcomes and unpredictable scenarios, it did not help that I had no prior ministry leadership experience. God, however, knew perfectly what I needed and when, and gave me just enough to get started. Over time, I only became more fully aware of my limitations and utter dependence on God.

As in any role, successes are riddled with mistakes and failures. In my learning curve, which is ongoing, I have overestimated, miscalculated, made wrong assumptions, and acted out of pride rather than trusting in God, among other mistakes. But in almost all of those situations, I have underestimated God's redeeming power and His active role in my forgiveness and sanctification through these mistakes. I cannot help but often reflect back on a camping trip experience a few years ago where we made assumptions that led us to overestimate the turnout (based on the previous year’s success) by a factor of two, resulting in a lot of waste. Despite my frustration about my utter failure in planning properly and the resulting stress, in the end we managed to connect on a deeper level with those who were able to come. God used this experience to reveal and illuminate my idols and lack of trust in Him, and hammer home the importance to come back to Him and focus on the people, my “neighbours”, that He has called me to serve. Through this and other, often challenging, yet incredibly edifying experiences He has allowed me to taste His goodness and sweetness, and allowed those encounters to fuel my continued involvement with Adam House, with spillovers to other areas of my life.

Reflecting on Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 1:28-31, I'm incredibly amazed at the talents and energy that God has put in the team over the years that has allowed us to try different things out to connect meaningfully to the residents that we are trying to befriend and minister to. I am grateful for this team of dedicated and faithful co-labourers, sharpening and reminding me that rather than it being my ministry, it is His ministry that I'm a part of; and that He called us to it despite our weaknesses, so that we have nothing to boast in ourselves but together from different backgrounds reconciled as one body in Christ, we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to witness and express the Gospel love to the people that we serve.

Last but not least, I cannot credit Rosemarie Friessen, the interim director for GCMJ, enough for encouraging me and the whole team through these years. If you have a desire to experience how God is working in your and other people’s lives in a tangible manner, I encourage you to explore the excellent opportunities in the partner ministries of GCMJ.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Female Spanish-speaking prayer partner needed for a woman in Adam House for a weekly 15-minute prayer chat over the phone. For more information, contact Danyao (here).
  • Prepare fruit packages and deliver to Adam House North (Finch & Leslie) as a token of care for the residents in the cold winter. 2 volunteers are needed to fill the Feb. 12 and Feb. 19 slots respectively. For more information, contact Tim (here).

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Attend a First Response virtual information/training session
  • Learn about the PCC as an organization, the Biblical basis for Christian care, the issues surrounding unexpected pregnancies, and how to give a compassionate and life-affirming first response to someone who shares news of their unexpected pregnancy with you
  • If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca.

Safe Families

  • Sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
  • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and confidence to parent(s) (just knowing someone sees and cares about them); knowledge and information where needed; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time!
  • If you are interested, please contact Serena (here) for next steps.


  • The Salvation Army Squads program is running an empowering event for at risk girls aged 9-13. Needed items are things that can be used for raffle prizes (for families or young girls) or as part of the take home bags to help make the day special for the girls.

Yonge Street Mission

  • YSM’s virtual Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk will be on Saturday February 20th.
  • Church members can walk 2km or 5km in the safety of their family/team bubble or walk solo. They can choose their own route and what time and day to walk in February.
  • Get involved and sign up for CNOY (here) by selecting "Toronto Downtown Yonge (Virtual-Only) - Yonge Street Mission" and help YSM reach their goal of $150,000 in support of street-involved youth, families in need, and adults experiencing chronic poverty who are served at YSM.


Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become “Family Friends” to a segregated family in our city.
  • Interested members of your GG will attend a virtual information session, fill out an application, and complete the training required by Safe Families. For more information, contact Serena (here).
  • Family Friends provide: love to parent(s) through encouragement; security and confidence to parent(s) (just knowing someone sees and cares about them); knowledge and information where needed; access to our extended church network; a shared desire for the security and well-being of their children; the Gospel hope of Jesus Christ; and possibly other tangible or service-based needs according to your comfort level and time!


  • The Salvation Army Squads program is running an empowering event for at risk girls aged 9-13. Needed items are things that can be used for raffle prizes (for families or young girls) or as part of the take home bags to help make the day special for the girls.

Yonge Street Mission

  • YSM’s virtual Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk will be on Saturday February 20th.
  • Church members or groups can walk 2km or 5km in the safety of their family/team bubble or walk solo. They can choose their own route and what time and day to walk in February.
  • Get involved and sign up for CNOY (here) by selecting "Toronto Downtown Yonge (Virtual-Only) - Yonge Street Mission" and help YSM reach their goal of $150,000 in support of street-involved youth, families in need, and adults experiencing chronic poverty who are served at YSM.


Adam House

  • New winter boots (or gift card equivalent) needed for 2 men and 2 women. See size and donation details here.

Light Patrol

  • Needed items to support current outreach: male and female underwear (M, L, and XL) and tarps.

Pregnancy Care Centre

  • Needed items for new mothers/parents: baby clothing, diapers (sizes 1,2,3), wipes, formula, gently used furniture (crib, car seat, stroller, etc.), and new or gently used maternity clothes.
  • To arrange drop off of these items, please refer to: https://pccfriends.ca/in-kind-donations/

Tabitha House

  • Needed iterms for the house: large pot (for cooking pasta), popcorn maker, and kettle.

Yonge Street Mission

  • Needed items to support current outreach: meat, dairy, vegetables, and starch (rice and pasta).

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for a missionary from Interserve Korea who joined Adam House North in January to fill the much needed community manager role. Ask God to bless his ministry as he builds relationships with the residents and church volunteers, and creates more opportunities for church volunteers to walk with and love our neighbours at Adam House.

Pray for encouragement for the regular Grace Toronto volunteers who keep engaging the residents through weekly fruit packages, 1:1 English lessons, and a monthly online social.

Pray for former residents, many of whom are experiencing loneliness, that God will send friends to walk with them in this difficult season.


Some of the youth Light Patrol are connected to have expressed that they are feeling lonely and sad. Please pray that they may experience God's closeness in their lives and that they would be able to build meaningful relationships in the near future.

Please pray for some of the youth who are seeking God. Pray against the enemy, as he is distracting these youth from coming to God and confusing them.

Please pray for the interns who joined the Light Patrol team this month. Pray that they would be open to learning more about God and His ministry through Light Patrol, and that their talents would be used by God in mighty ways to bless the youth Light Patrol serves.

Walking outreach still continues. Please pray that God will lead the Light Patrol team to where the youth are staying and that the team may bring the Good News to them.


Prayer for the women who are facing unexpected pregnancies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many women feel that due to the instability caused by COVID-19, they see abortion as their only option. Pray for the staff and volunteers as they counsel these women and show that they are not alone and abortion isn’t the only option. Pray that as a church we may find ways to come around these women and show them what God’s love looks like.

Praise God that as housing prices fall it means more affordable housing for women who are facing unexpected pregnancies. Sometimes that may make the difference between choosing to parent or not.


Prayer that God would call members of our Grace Toronto community to find room in their homes, hearts, and lifestyles to become a Host family for a child in need of a safe place to stay.

Prayer that the staff and volunteers would find strength and motivation in the sacrificial love of Christ as they sacrificially love and serve children and parents in need of mercy and compassion.

Prayer that Safe Families Canada would become a place of refuge in Toronto for families who have nowhere else to turn in times of isolation and crisis.

Prayer that God would support, comfort, and provide for the needs of families who struggle in isolation, now more than ever:

Single mothers are carrying the full burden of parenting without any time to recharge. Now with schools closed, they juggle work, child care, and the anxiety of parenthood all on their own.


The children often have two prayer requests:

Ask God to help keep their families safe, here in Canada, and especially those who are overseas in embattled countries.

Ask God to help provide them patience and guidance in online school.


Praise God for donors who helped provide meals and gifts for TCM families.

Thank God for continued interest in volunteering for after school and tutoring programs and online engagement with kids, youth, and families despite moving programs online.

Pray for continuous safety and health for the families and the mission and for children and youth to engage with the Bible more and grow in their faith.

Ask God for engagement with the children and youth who have yet to connect to online programming.



F4F received designated funding late last year that allows them to hire a survivor for a contract term. They have been praying to have a survivor on their staff team for years. Pray for the whole hiring process as well as for the survivor who will be joining their team.

F4F along with a partner is offering two paid internship positions for individuals they minister to. Pray that God would greatly bless and use these internship positions and that He will continue opening connections to set up more internship opportunities for those they serve.



Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work. They are currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca

Mission in the City: January 2021


In lieu of a regular testimony this month, we have a video from Safe Families GTA; it tells the story of a community of volunteers, including Jen M. and her family from Grace Toronto, that came together to support a mother and her children during a challenging time.


Find ways to love our neighbours in partnership with our affiliates and other organizations serving the community.


Adam House

  • Driver needed Friday January 22 (after working hours/evening preferred) to pick up pre-packaged fruits from downtown for delivery to Adam House Downtown (Dufferin & Bloor) and Adan House North (Finch & Leslie)
  • Assemble a Starter Kit (link) and deliver to Adam House (cost ~$100)
  • For more information, contact https://bit.ly/GraceAHTeam

Safe Families

  • Sign-up to become a family friend for families who are in crisis and need help with various errands or need someone to talk to
  • For more information, contact Safe Families (link)

The Dale Ministries

Yonge Street Mission

  • Volunteers needed: help people build their networks, individual mentorship, language proficiency tutoring, and family-to-family mentorship (especially, Black families)
  • Write encouraging notes (link) to community members, for the hundreds of daily meal bags


Adam House

Safe Families

  • Together, sign-up to become family friends for families who are in crisis and need help with various errands or need someone to talk to
  • For more information, contact Safe Families (link)


Adam House

Light Patrol

  • Needed items to support current outreach: $5 Tim Hortons gift cards, sweatpants in medium and large sizes, men’s and women’s underwear in medium and large sizes

The Dale Ministries

  • Needed items: masks (disposable or homemade), sanitizer, soap, containers for takeout food
  • Monetary donations: www.thedale.org/donate

Yonge Street Mission

  • Food donations needed: bread, fruit (especially oranges), potatoes, milk, and yogurt
  • Toiletry donations needed: toothpaste, body wash, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and other toiletry items
  • Deliver to The Davis Centre, 270 Gerrard Street East; contact Zana or receptionist at 416-929-9614 press "0", or email both Zana (zferataj@ysm.ca) and receptionist (receptiondept@ysm.ca)

For more information contact: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca


Help love our neighbours by praying for them and the organizations that serve them.


Praise God for keeping the residents safe from the coronavirus despite their crowded living conditions

Prayer for a suitable candidate for the community manager vacancy at Adam House North who can join the community there and help create a fellowship of residents and church volunteers through regular Bible studies and other programs

Prayer that a plan can be finalized for the renovation needed at Adam House Downtown to bring it up to code soon and that the cost will come within budget


Prayer for new youth to be open to receiving help and learning to trust Light Patrol staff and volunteers so that they will build healthy relationships in their lives

Praise God for youth that have begun to open up to the good news of Christ and pray for others to do so as well

Prayer for wisdom and creativity for staff and volunteers as they establish community/interest-based circles during this time of COVID-19 restrictions


The Dale Ministries

Prayer for housing, increased shelter beds, especially considering that Out of the Cold programs have been cancelled this winter

Prayer for people who are experiencing growing loneliness, fatigue, and fear as the pandemic drags on, that the burden and weight on them would be lifted

Prayer for hope in the midst of struggle

Yonge Street Mission

Prayer for help for people to build their networks to find employment

Prayer for individual and family-to-family mentorship for life skills

Prayer for volunteers to offer language proficiency tutoring which is key for personal and professional development



Fight4Freedom is an organization that works in the GTA with women, children and men enslaved in the sex trade. In addition, they offer aftercare, advocacy, and referral support to individuals who are ready and able to transition into alternate work. They are currently recruiting qualified individuals.

+ Details

Street Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, weekly outreach

Outreach time: Fridays from 10:30pm-2:30am (usually it doesn't take up the whole 4 hours)

Through our street outreach ministry, we continue to journey with women in Toronto who are involved in sex work and often face challenges related to housing, substance use and mental health. During outreach time, we walk around the neighbourhood where it's known to have sex-work-related activities. We approach individuals with gifts and try to start up conversations. We listen as they share stories about their upbringing, relationships and long-distance parenting. From these stories, the common narrative that often emerges is one of intergenerational trauma perpetuated by cycles of criminalization and structural violence – many share about growing up in foster care, getting recruited into the sex industry, using street drugs to self-medicate, having 3-8 children apprehended due to addictions and then being incarcerated for drug possession. We continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with health support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

Club or Parlour Outreach

Commitment: minimum 1 year, monthly outreach and prayer gathering

Outreach time: one evening a month between Monday to Thursday for outreach; one evening a month for prayer and gift bag preparation; meet up time varies between 6-9pm; each outreach usually is within 3 hours time

Each club or parlour outreach team goes to the same strip club or parlours every month. The team approaches a club and asks entry permission from the club manager. Once allowed access, the team will go to the main area and approach individuals working there with gifts and try to start up conversations. For parlour outreach, the team approaches a parlour and tries to start up conversations with the individual who answers the door. We listen as they share stories. Same as street outreach, we continue to pray that our relationships with these ladies would allow us to speak truth and hope into the narratives that distort their sense of worth and identity. At a systemic level, both our ministry and survivor care departments are working with community partners to provide survivors and individuals who would like to exit with various support and to develop sustainable employment opportunities.

NOTE: Volunteers may encounter nudity during outreach. It is an asset to be bilingual in English and Chinese for parlour outreach.

If you are interested, please contact Rosemarie Friesen: rosemarie@gracetoronto.ca