Jen Michel, award-winning author and mother of five, will teach on the theology of mercy. She will discuss creative ways to foster neighbourly love into the daily rhythms of a busy family life.
The ‘Angry’ God of the Old Testament
How are we to understand some of the more difficult passages in the Old Testament, particularly those where God tells Israel to 'wipe out' foreign nations in the land of Israel? This seems like ethnic cleansing and utterly opposed to the loving ethic of Jesus. How are we to reconcile these issues?
The Issues of Life and Death Abortion and Euthanasia/MAID
How should Christians understand these issues and how should we respond to a culture radically skeptical and hostile to what the gospel teaches?
Sexual Ethics
Same-Sex Attraction, LGBTQ Ethics, Sexual & Gender Fluidity: What does the gospel say, and how should gospel people live and speak in light of the current cultural tsunami around these issues?
Singleness, Dating & Marriage (Pt. 1)
Grace Toronto presents a follow-up session in our Tough Questions series. Dating and marriage are hard and often misunderstood concepts in Christianity. We will begin to tackle the issues of singleness, dating and marriage in a highly interactive session.
Singleness, Dating & Marriage (Pt. 2)
Grace Toronto presents a follow-up session in our Tough Questions series. Dating and marriage are hard and often misunderstood concepts in Christianity. We will begin to tackle the issues of singleness, dating and marriage in a highly interactive session.