Alpha Marriage Workshop

Welcome to the Alpha Marriage Series! We're so excited that you've chosen to take this journey with us as we commit to learning more about each other and the wonderful blessing of marriage. We think this is a fantastic course, and its different components have been intentionally structured in such a way as to help you flourish in your life together.

The Introduction to the course is hosted by our Church. It covers "God's Design for Marriage", and will be held in a group format in-person.

The remaining sessions are offered through ALPHA, and are designed to be completed independently by each couple in the weeks that follow. We encourage you to set aside one night a week to engage with the Alpha video curriculum below, and to discuss important aspects of your relationship together. You should also be receiving a PDF journal to track your progress together, and to help you reflect on and digest the material.

Simply click on the relevant link below to get started.

Let's begin!