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How Should We Respond to Suffering? Physician-Assisted Death and the Shape of Christian Mercy

  • Tecumseh Auditorium Ryerson Student Centre Toronto Canada (map)

Physician-Assisted Death (PAD) is now legally permissible in Canada. Despite traditional resistance to mercy killing, contemporary Canadian society regards PAD as a plausibly effective and permissible means of relieving suffering. Dr. Ewan Goligher will examine the defining features and key secular assumptions underpinning the practice of PAD and explore how the Christian worldview and the gospel of Jesus bear on our responses to PAD and human suffering. 

**A light dinner will be provided beforehand and an extended Question and Answer Period (Q&A) will follow the talk.** 


Dr. Ewan Goligher is a Christian physician working in Toronto. He holds degrees in biochemistry and medicine from the University of British Columbia and a PhD in physiology from the University of Toronto together with specialist certification in internal medicine and intensive care medicine. His research focuses on the impact of mechanical ventilation on the lungs and muscles of breathing. As an ICU physician, he frequently cares for patients at the end of their lives. His work on the issues of physician-assisted death and physician conscientious objection has been published in an academic medical journal and the press. He and his family live in Toronto and attend Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills.

This talk is presented by Grace Toronto Church along with Power to Change Ryerson and Power to Change - University of Toronto.

Earlier Event: June 18
Men's Breakfast
Later Event: July 3
Newcomer's Lunch