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FW – Technology [Book Discussion]

Come join us for a monthly discussion on the topic of technology. Our goal is to help our participants to engage in a thoughtful and timely theological reflection about computer technology and what it means to live as a faithful Christian in a digitally-saturated society.

Start Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2021
Meeting Time: 7:30 - 9:30pm
Meeting Frequency: monthly
Topic or Title of the Book: Shaping a Digital World, by Derek Schuurman

Brief description of the topic or book:

Digital technology has become a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Our increasingly fast-paced world seems more and more remote from the world narrated in Scripture. In this book, Derek Schuurman provides a thoughtful and timely theological reflection about computer technology and what it means to live as a faithful Christian in a digitally-saturated society. This brief introduction on the theology of technology is rooted in the Reformed tradition and oriented around the grand themes of creation, fall, redemption and new creation. Dr. Schuurman combines a concise, accessible style with penetrating cultural and theological analysis. Building on the work of Jacques Ellul, Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman, and drawing from a wide range of Reformed thinkers, Schuurman situates computer technology within the big picture of the biblical story.

Sign-Up here:

Contact Persons: Sanford Liu ( and Danyao Wang (

Earlier Event: September 25
Alpha - Pre-Marriage Class