Grace Toronto will be launching a conversation on womanhood and singleness on Saturday, June 12. Listen to speakers and panelists share insight on Scripture while also drawing from experience. This conference is the first step to launching a more thorough conversation on these two subjects.
“Let Me Be a Woman” Webinar
Open only to ladies
Becoming Woman (10 AM) - Sue MacDonald
A Biblical look at the woman and her Creator God. Who did God create when he created the woman? What were His intentions? Who is her glory? What is her relationship to her God, to man and to the world? Sue Macdonald will explore these questions through the lens of Genesis 1-3 and invites us to consider what it means for us today.
Being Woman (10:30 AM) - Jen Michel
If there is a biblical basis for womanhood, is there one biblical way to be a woman? Gratefully, no. We serve an infinitely creative God, and our life stories, as women surrendered to him, are vast and varied. In this talk, Jen Pollock Michel will invite us to step into imagining the diverse ways we can love God and our neighbour: in our homes and workplaces, friendships and marriages, church and city.
Panel Discussion on Womanhood (11 AM)
Main speakers and panelists discuss what it means to be a woman of God. Live Q&A.
Working Lunch (12 PM)
Join the speakers and panelists to ask more questions.
“Being Single-Minded in a Crazy-Busy World” Webinar
Open to all congregants
Being Single-Minded in a Crazy-Busy World (1 PM) - Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry will be looking at how to understand the Bible’s teaching about singleness and how it helps and challenges us in the busyness of working life.
Panel Discussion on Singleness (2 PM)
Panelists discuss the challenges and blessings of singleness for a Christian.
Break Out Sessions (3 PM)
Led by either panelists or speakers, sessions are open by topic to those who want to continue discussing womanhood or singleness.
Speaker Bios
Sue Macdonald
Sue Macdonald is a follower of Jesus. She loves being a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. She also loves starting new things, theology, reading, conversation, cooking, and working out. This June, she will have been married to Dan for 25 years. They have one daughter, Shaila. She and Dan moved to Toronto in 2005 to replant Grace Toronto Church.
Jen Pollock Michel
Jen Pollock Michel is the author of 4 books, most recently A Habit Called Faith. She loves lingering over long dinners with her husband and five children, walking her dog, praying with her small group, and reading books. Jen began attending Grace Toronto Church in 2011 with her family.
Sam Allbery
Sam Allberry is a pastor, speaker and apologist, based at Immanuel Church in Nashville. He is the author of “Seven Myths About Singleness” and “What God Has To Say About Our Bodies.