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RESCHEDULED: Postpartum Anxiety & Depression Workshop

UPDATE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we regret to announce that this workshop is being rescheduled. If you are seeking help for Postpartum Anxiety & Depression, please email for workshop resources and additional support from our speakers.

Grace Toronto is hosting an online Postpartum Anxiety & Depression Workshop on Saturday, April 10th. This interactive workshop is designed to help affected parents:

  • Normalize the experience of anxiety and depression following pregnancy

  • Understand the many factors that contribute to PPD/PPA (e.g. biological/hormonal, stress, sleeplessness, etc).

  • Challenge distorted thinking that increases anxiety/depression

  • Think holistically about how to care for themselves, and how to seek support and care from others.

  • Explore how God can be sought in the midst of postpartum anxiety and depression

  • Find tools and resources to equip themselves in this season of life

Register here.


9:25am - 9:30am: Attendees sign in and welcome/intro

9:30am-10:30am: Understanding PPD/PPA

10:30am-10:45am: Coffee / Zoom break

10:45am-11:45am: Managing PPD/PPA

11:45am-1:00pm: Lunch / Zoom break  

1:00pm - 2:00pm: Support & Effective Communication


Liz James holds an M.Div in Clinical Counselling and is a Registered Psychotherapist. Liz is passionate about the integration of Christian faith and psychology. The topic of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety is especially near to her heart after struggling with both following the birth of her first son.

Alison (Ali) Duyck holds a Master's in Social Work and has been working as a counsellor in mental health for almost a decade. Supporting couples and moms as they adjust to the challenges a new child brings has been an important and fulfilling part of her work. Personally, Ali has also struggled with postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety following the birth of both her children.

To ensure quality online interactions between the speakers and participants - SPACE IS LIMITED. Priority will be given to members of Grace Toronto Church.

If you have any questions, please email