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Writing & Photography Workshop

Are you interested in writing? In photography? Would you like to meet people with similar creative interests? 

The GCA will be hosting a morning workshop on Saturday morning, March 24th, 10am-1pm, for people interested in writing and photography, especially those interested in contributing work to GCA’s magazine, Imprint.

One workshop track will be offered to writers interested in learning from published writers within our congregation. These writers will speak to the mechanics of the writing, editing and publishing process. Bring your laptop or notebook!

A second workshop track will be offered to photographers interested in improving their skill, both in the creative and technical aspects of photography. Bring your camera with you! The morning workshops will end with lunch, providing attendees an opportunity to meet others within our community with similar creative interests.

Register by Wednesday, March 21:

Earlier Event: March 20
Medical Faith & Work Event
Later Event: March 25
Catechism Q18