Hope Toronto is hosting another Mercy Week with some special speakers on various relevant topics. All talks will be held at Knox Presbyterian Church in the Winchester Room. Please note that the final talk on March 11 is open to all parents and children from the GTKids ministry.
Thursday, March 9, 7-9pm: dialogue about visible and invisible disabilities and how as a greater church community we can love and create an environment where everyone feels safe and is treated with dignity (Paul Martin, Senior Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church)
Friday, March 10, 7-9pm: dialogue about the plight of the Indigenous peoples and the church's role in the reconciliation and redemption process (Terry LeBlanc, Mi’kmaq-Acadian, Indigenous Studies Program Director, Tyndale College and Seminary, Executive Director of Indigenous Pathways and founding Chair and current Director of the North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies (NAIITS)
Saturday, March 11, 1-3pm: done in collaboration with GTKids, parents and children are encouraged to attend this session! a reading and discussion of The Cardboard Shack Beneath the Bridge by Tim Huff from the Compassion Series aims to help children understand homelessness. A panel discussion will be happening simultaneously for parents on loving our neighbours and how to teach children to do the same (GTKids Leaders & Panelists).
The programme will be appropriate for school-aged children (JK - Gr 7). Please RSVP by emailing lyndon@gracetoronto.ca.
The children's event will take place in the Goforth Hall, 2nd floor, while the panel discussion will take place in Winchester Hall, main floor. We ask that parents to sign in their children in the Goforth Hall prior to entering Winchester Hall.